Regina as a Coach

“It was the beginning of the year and I was having a hard time getting motivated and inspired in all aspects of my life. I had no idea what life coaching was. I thought Regina was going to basically give me advice and tell me what to do to change, but I was refreshingly inspired to think deeper, develop my own voice, and reflect on aspects of my life and relationships that I’ve been too scared to face. What made this whole experience so profound for me was that Regina created a space where I could work through my own feelings, feel accepted and heard, and invite or welcome positive growth.

Regina inspired and lifted and guided the conversations towards growth. She looked to ME for answers and that really empowered me. It was hard! Haha but that was exactly what I needed. It was extremely empowering for me to go to these places in my relationships that give me a lot of stress and fear, and work through them in a healthy way and not just talk about them, but face them and learn from them. And that the answers to what I was looking for and the inspiration and motivation was inside of me the whole time and I could access that whenever I needed. I loved my experience! This can be extremely beneficial no matter what you’re going through.” Makenzie P., Athlete and Mom of 3

“Regina can help you identify your MBTI, your values and your personal ‘why,’ and ultimately find a better career fit and a life well-lived.” Ricky C., Founder at Mission Met

“After coaching with Regina, my level of introspection and intentionality has increased exponentially. She is someone who fully commits herself to seeing the success of those around her. The wonderful thing about Regina is that we are able to talk about a variety of issues that arise and are able to address them all seamlessly. She is able to handle anything you throw at her so trust that she has your best interest and be honest from the beginning so that you can get the most out of your experience.” Ashleigh C., Medical Student

“Regina is responsible, committed, highly sympathetic. She genuinely wants you to succeed.”Misa H., Biotech Director

“Regina is an excellent listener and would always take everything I say into account during our discussions. She is great at picking out important things to push our conversations further and push me to think about things I had never considered before. Any small thing that I’d bring in a discussion she would remember and talk to me about it. Anyone who goes to her for coaching will not be disappointed.” James P., Anthropology Student

“Regina is patient, thoughtful, insightful, and yet challenging in a good way in her approach to coaching. She establishes a safe space immediately. I gained self-reflection, both personal and professional balance, and learned to set small achievable goals. It was a rewarding investment.” Susan T., Assistant Chair of Undergraduate Students, Psychology

MBTI Coaching

“Regina is a careful listener and asks insightful questions that will help you re-frame or at least question your thinking. Her command of MBTI and the various ways the framework can be applied is both impressive and helpful.

I feel much more confident in my own strengths — and I’m more easily able to lean into those – while also recognizing the strengths of the team and encouraging those team members to utilize their strengths. Honestly, I’m much more able to appreciate the differences in others and see their strengths as assets that need to be encouraged and utilized. 

I also have questioned some of my own assumptions around what makes others tick — just because I find joy in creative work and thought provoking conversation, doesn’t mean that others do. And Regina has been able to encourage me to seek first to understand other’s ‘why’s’ so that I can amplify that.” Ricky C., ENTP preferences, Founding Partner at Mission Met

“I was not familiar with MBTI and was frustrated being on a cusp of a dichotomy of one type to the other. After her analysis, my test results are more convincing, and it tells my situational preference and behavior. This will tremendously help my personal growth.” Misa H., ENFJ preferences, Biotech Director

“Through in-depth sessions about MBTI and leadership I feel I learned much about myself that I would not have been able to learn on my own. Had we not been so thorough I feel that I would not have gained nearly as much from them.” James P., ISTJ preferences, Anthropology student

University Leadership Coaching

“Our sessions allowed me to take the time to really think about how I operate as a person/leader, what my values/ambitions are, what my skills are, and how I should use this information to progress and improve myself for the future.” Ashleigh C., Engineering student

“Your leadership coaching has allowed me to recognize that I am a profound leader. Every leader is remarkably unique in their motivation, style, and reflection preferences. I have gained the awareness of my own particular styles: confident, delegatory,  and attentive. I have also learned that my values deeply motivate my desire to lead. Through your leadership coaching, I have had the opportunity to reflect on my values of holistic education. I have connected these values to my leadership style and goals for the future. Finally, after becoming aware of my leadership capabilities, I have had the opportunity to set short term and long term goals to continue to grow as a leader.” Ruby W., Teacher Education and Recreation student

University Career Coaching

“Her knowledge and insights about the process of career management are highly effective. Her coaching, combined with her genuine interest in my success, allowed me to push my career for better and positive growth!” Misa H., Biotech Director

“I gained reassurance, confidence in my ability to make any decision I wanted (and it not be a wrong one), and a resource to go to when I needed it.”  Jericha T., Buckeye Link Counselor at Ohio State University

“Before I came I felt very confused and didn’t know what I wanted. You helped me understand my values and connect them and set goals. I learned a lot.”